Video tutorial for Tell Me A Story created!
Finally had some time to create a how to play for Tell Me A Story. If you had questions, hopefully this answers them. If you still have questions, please let me know.
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Finally had some time to create a how to play for Tell Me A Story. If you had questions, hopefully this answers them. If you still have questions, please let me know.
Continue ReadingThis was my fourth convention total, and my first ever GenCon experience. I went there for two reasons. I managed to do both, and managed to see a lot of what GenCon has to offer. Some gut takeaways. I screwed up and thought that there would be an UnPub room, given that I’ve seen that […]
Continue ReadingPer the earlier post, this was step 3. I opted to make it its own post, because of the controversial nature. As a disclaimer, I have not, nor do I ever plan to use AI art in a commercial product. Other people have opinions on this subject, but that is my line in the sand. […]
Continue ReadingFirst idea: Comic Scramble. Well, okay, not my first idea. There have been many ideas. Many, many ideas, that have died a thousand inglorious deaths. Not even my first realized idea. My first Kickstarter went relatively well. I met my funding goals, I made a game and delivered it to people, the general response has […]
Continue ReadingBecause of the recent website migration, I find myself with the opportunity to write again, specifically about game design. A lot of people write about games, game design, and what have you, and made me wonder what my voice could add to the conversation. I’m one of those people that tends to remain silent unless […]
Continue ReadingHey everyone! I recently changed hosting providers and completely lost the old website. C’est la vie. It’s was more of a placeholder anyway. Am planning to make much better use of this one. First things first, restoring links to my various socials, the Tell Me a Story kickstarter as well as the shopping page link. […]
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